Posts Tagged ‘Premium’

No, it’s not your imagination – they posted the 12 Days of Tanksmas again, and they did change a couple things. See inside for details.


Heh. Warships FTW this weekend.


We have today: World of Tanks: On Track to the IS-4 (heavy on the missions, light on the bundles), the RETURN of the Nine Reindeer’s (two days only!); World of Warplanes: December Premium Shop 2; Armored Warfare: December Discounts, and a new feature.


T’would seem that World of Warships is the only game to have a dedicated weekend package this time around! Ten points to Warships!


All three titles have a bunch of specials out.

World of Warships has some decent bundles on this weekend as well as some across-the-board Gold/Doubloon packages (more on that inside). Armored Warfare is offering some specially skinned vehicles.


Here’s last weekend and the upcoming US Thanksgiving – featuring the new French M4A1 Revalorise.


Yup, it’s a Czech tank. A T6 with an 88mm gun… And people are complaining of bad pen. 😛


Minus ten points to Warplanes!


Wow Warships team, you really dropped the ball on this weekends bonus title. Didn’t you get the memo? 😉
